
A project that I started in high school. I wanted to turn this into a creative writing outlet, but I ended up not having the time in
university. I am thinking of restarting my writing once again, but posts will be infrequent at best.


Angel of Death

Friday, August 27, 2010

Kraven Amberwood (Part 4)

(Part 4)
            Kraven was back on the river bank. Melvin and his friends were throwing stones at him again. Kraven looked back and saw John standing there helpless and bleeding. A drop of blood fell to the floor and as it hit the surface the splash seemed to move in slow motion. When Kraven looked back at Melvin, they were already stranded and wriggling in vain up in the newly sprouted trees. Kraven looked down and saw his broken reflection in the fast moving river. His hair was longer and flowing in the wind. Kraven would have fallen backwards if he could control his current form. His black irises were shining green and his body seemed like it wasn’t exactly human anymore. Apparently John had left out a few details. Kraven now resembled something closer to a wild animal than a human. His ears were long and pointed, his arms were longer, and his fingers were stretched and had nails that were thick and sharp. His legs were changed as well but much more drastically. The knees were bent the other way and looked very similar to a dog’s knee. His toes were thicker and for some reason he was standing on them instead of his full foot. The biggest change, however, was that behind his legs, were two long and somewhat bushy tails. Kraven tried to speak so that he could work this all out, but couldn’t even open his mouth. Then suddenly his reflection in the waters started to move further away, and the farther his reflection was the darker it got. Eventually it was completely dark and Kraven was alone. But as readily as he arrived in the dark solitude, he ended up in a small clearing in a forest. There was a small hut in the back of the clearing and in the middle was an old man smoking a pipe sitting around a smoldering fire. Kraven found his body moving towards the man and as he got closer the man looked up. The man said to Kraven, “I have been expecting you Kraven Amberwood.” After saying this, the man smiled, his eyes flashed green, and Kravens sight was then blocked by a flock of ravens.
            Kraven awoke yelping in pain. Tabris had the tips of his claws buried in Kraven’s stomach causing blood to drip down his side. Kraven looked down his chest and gave Tabris a stern look. Tabris explained his action, “You were shaking drastically, so I thought I should wake you up.” Kraven rolled his eyes, and didn’t say anything because he knew Tabris wouldn’t change his brutal way of doing things. However, Marren was more stubborn than Kraven and spoke up, “You could have tried a different method like, oh I don’t know… Barking like the dog that you are?!” Marren quickly took flight, for the spot he had previously occupied was now filled with sharp teeth.
            Kraven ignored both of them and tried to remember what happened in his dream. He remembered most of the dream; the important parts at least. Kraven just sat there on the forest ground thinking while Tabris chased Marren around. Kraven was confused, for he knew that dreams only formed based off of prior events and people and places that have been seen. The first part of the dream was a perfect example of this, but he couldn’t understand why, or rather how, he managed to dream about a place he had never seen before. Kraven was stumped, so he decided to call over Tabris and Marrenand explain his dream to them.
Marren was the first to give his insight, “Well, obviously, this is a sign for you to follow, Kraven. We must find this man and have him tell you about your past and who you are.” Tabris was next to follow, “I think force is the best way to get this information. I think after losing a few fingers to my stomach, his tongue should loosen.” Kraven responded, “Yes I think we should find this man. He must know at least a little bit about who I am, although, chewing off his fingers is a bit extreme to-” A branch snapped. All three of them stopped what they were doing and turned their attention towards the sound hidden in the darkness. 

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